The Community for Skating in Ontario

STARSkate Session Details

  • STARSkate groups are determined by the Program Director.  If you are not sure which program to enrol your skater in, please contact
  • All Junior STARSkate sessions are fully coached.
  • Intermediate and Senior STARSkate sessions include fully coached group lessons to focus on well-rounded skater development; parents are encouraged to organize private or small group lessons with one of our coaches.
  • On ice Jump Technique Class is available to Intermediate and Senior, and Junior with coach recommendation
  • Ticket ice available Mondays at 330pm and Fridays at 630am talk to your coach about arranging lessons at these times.
  • Beginner or Adult synchro info email

​​​Please check the program page for details on each program 

If this is your first time taking skating lessons PreCanSkate is where to start 

Any questions regarding what program is best for you email: 

StarSkate begins the week of Sept 12th
PreCan and CanSkate kickstart Sept 15, 22, 29 and Oct 6 
Fall CanSkate programs set to begin the week of Oct 10th
Winter CanSkate programs set to begin the week of Jan 9th

Thanksgiving: Oct 8 - 10
Christmas Break: Dec 24 - Jan 7 

Jan 27/28 Hockey tournament 

Feb 24th/25th Hockey tournament 

Family Day: Feb 18 - 20 

March Break: March 12 - 18

Easter: Apr 7-10

Special Events 

Halloween Spooky Skate: Oct 31

Santa Clause Parade: Nov 13

Santa Skate: Dec 17

​Spring Ice Show: April 29

PreCanSkate  4:00pm-4:30pm

9:30am - 10:00 am OR


4:30pm - 5:00pm5:40pm - 6:10pm

4:00pm - 4:30pm OR

4:30pm - 5:00pm

9:10am - 9:40am OR

9:40am - 10:10am OR 11:50am - 12:30pm


6:10pm - 7:00pm 

5:10pm - 6:00pm 

10:10am - 11:00am 

Adaptive CanSkate 


Adult & Teen Skate

6:00pm - 6:50pm

Junior StarSkate

CanSkate Plus

5:45pm - 6:50pm
5:40pm - 6:30pm

7:00pm - 7:50pm

Intermediate "A" StarSkate5:45pm - 6:50pm
4:30pm - 5:30pm

7:00pm - 7:50pm

Intermediate "B" StarSkate4:30pm - 5:45pm4:30pm - 5:30pm

4:00pm - 5:30pm

Senior StarSkate4:30pm - 5:45pm
6:30pm - 7:20pm
4:00pm - 5:30pm

Beginner Synchro

5:00pm - 6:00pm

Adult Synchro
5:50am - 6:50am

5:50am - 6:50am

Ticket Ice3:30pm


Jump and Spin Technique

8:00am - 9:00am
StarSkate Off Ice 

11:10am - 11:45am